自闭也有爱 第二季原名:Love on the Spectrum Season 2,又名光谱上发现爱(港、台)
Michael continues his quest for true love at a speed dating *****. Kassandra goes on her first date in months. Ronan consults a relationship expert.
cried many tears of joy❤️💧😿 Their childlike innocence is human at its finest and it warms ** heart. We’re all broken. In particular, the bisexual/pansexual energy in this season is just magnificent. I love the gender and sexuality fluidity in it as well, so glad and envious that they’re in an inclusive and accepting culture…
喜欢大家开朗自信的性格和 supportive 的家庭
“Love is the most chaotic force in the cosmos.”
这个秀真的太棒了呜呜呜!以及Ronan大萌神!!!以及没有恋爱经历的人在说自己是bi的时候大概率其实是*** (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
Chole真的太好了 送给mark手工编织三角龙那里看得我heart melted 可惜他们最后没有在一起😢
我又全程姨母笑!这季新加的几个都特别可爱Ronan, Teo, Jayden…其实很想知道上一季那个喜欢动漫的亚裔小哥还好么…
哎最希望happy endding的两个还是单身,真的是很不容易啊
完全無法克制自己內心的柔軟與脆弱, 太愛了! 尤其最後的Jayden出場沒幾秒我立刻眼眶濕(讚嘆+喜悅的那種) 這節目是太會挑人了嗎 但也太會拍了看他拍蜜蜂貓與狗與鳥都神來之筆