散落的樱花队原名:さくら隊散る,又名Sakura-tai Chiru
A somber retrospective on the final days of the Sakura-tai theatrical troupe that had arrived in the island of Hiroshima to begin preparations for the staging of a play and, at 8:15 on the morning of August 6, 1945, became victims of the atomic bombing, Sakura-tai Chiru is a thoughtful examination of artistic imperative in a time of uncertainty and national crisis. Using the 19...
BS日本映画専門** ***隊散る【8.6広島原爆忌】新藤兼人脚本・監督.ts
旬报第七名。从未真正参与二战的新藤兼人见证了***的威力,目睹了遭受核辐射的平民魔鬼模样,他的恐核症拍了数部伪恐核片,都是以题材博取眼球,从未深刻思考,不如黑泽明那一部来的成功。这也是日影关于核题材的通病罢了。新藤兼人的最好作品还是60年代那几部。 补第24部新藤兼人。