两条道路原名:Zwei Wege,又名Two Paths
Farocki shows us an image of an oil painting, a religious allegory showing the 'right' and the 'wrong' path for a Christian. The one path leads to heaven, the other to hell. This short piece for the television station Sender Freies Berlin (SFB) is highly relevant to Farocki's later work.
像散点**般将平面的绘画作品置换为某种局部的叙事,而我们却始终未曾眼见画作的全景。法罗基的《**》。 2023.12.10
"Learning Farocki" Farocki首部作品,迷恋image意**读半世纪的开始,一幅画的构成,地理与人物的密码,未来essay作品元素初见端倪。
#49th IFFR# DeepFocus-Regained "Learning Farocki"特别**。相当有见解的视***,哈伦·法罗基最早的作品,受电视台委托解读一幅宗教画(两种人生选择分别导向天堂或地狱)。图像分析方法。片中也包含了此后不少他作品关注的动机。