半月营档案原名:The Halfmoon Files,
The Halfmoon Files is an audio-visual research ******* on the entanglements of politics, colonialism, science and ***** technology. It investigates an elusive archive of audio and film recordings documenting Indian and North African prisoners who were interned in the Halbmondlager (or “Halfmoon camp”) near Berlin during World War I. It is a film about gaps, omissions and the co...
Essay film却有如此强烈的叙事和转折。对于印度士兵的搜寻,等待印度拍摄许可,从对于档案馆里文件的研究转移到对于整个档案馆的agency的质疑,当档案馆的形象再次出现的时候,整个印象已经完全不同了…